Basic information about our city
The advantages of this location, near the borders of three states and lying on important domestic and international transport routes, translate into the preconditions for good commercial connectivity. This is significantly enhanced by the existing railway junction and airport with international status.
The city occupies the Riverside Basin formed by the wide valley of the River Chiponge, contained by the outlying ridges of the Ore Mountains to the west and the Salt Hills to the east.
The city center lies at 208 meters above sea-level, and the climate in Riverside is moderately warm with average temperatures of 22° C in July and -1° C in January.
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The city is the administrative centre of the Riverside Region, and is divided in itself into four Districts. As an independent legal entity it is divided into 22 city wards, each with its own local government.
Overall specialist, administrative and organizational responsibilities are borne by Riverside’s Municipal Authority in cooperation with the ward authorities. The city of Riverside is governed by the Mayor and the City Council, and each ward also has its own elected council and council leader.

Our city in numbers
Programs to help launch, grow and expand any business
A vibrant destination where innovations in design and technology are born. A place for you.
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Far away from the every day!
A Message From the Mayor
Old Town of Riverside is a special place with limitless potential, where everyone deserves equal access to opportunity, happiness, and a bright future.
Our City is here to help foster those ideals in every neighborhood. It exists to serve you and be a resource for you, your family, and your community.

Lisa Woodson, your Mayour
Ο Δήμος
Δήμος Στυλίδας Φθιώτιδας, ΤΚ 35300, Τηλέφωνο: 22383 50100
Municipality of Stylida, Fthiotida, P.C. 35300, Telephone number: 22383 50100
Δημοτική Ενότητα Στυλίδας, Εχιναίων και Πελασγίας.
Municipal Unit of Stylida, Echinaia and Pelasgia.
Copyright © 2024 Municipality of Stylida, Fthiotida P.C. 35300 - Τel. 22383 50100, fax 22380 22572 - . Creation and design by GNOSIS Computers.
Copyright © 2024 Δήμος Στυλίδας Φθιώτιδας ΤΚ 35300 - Τηλ. 22383 50100, fax 22380 22572 - . Δημιουργία και σχεδιασμός από την ΓΝΩΣΙΣ Computers.